Table culture is currently gaining in importance again in the times of Corona. Confined to your own walls, enjoyment becomes more conscious again and being together becomes more stylish. Take a look at the history of table culture and find out how classics from KPM Berlin contributed to it.

Table culture has been somewhat forgotten in recent decades, but is gaining importance again in times of Corona. Limited to your own walls, the focus is on the interior and shared moments: enjoyment becomes more conscious, being together more stylish. Take a look at the history of table culture and find out how KPM Berlin classics shaped it and were shaped by it.


Table culture is the successful sum of food and drink, cooking and rituals, dishes, decoration and the ambience. Since ancient times, eating together has not only served as a source of nourishment, but has also been the linchpin of everyday life. It fulfilled a social function, but at the aristocratic courts it also had a representative function: with opulent corridors and richly laid tables, the exclusively male guests were impressed and separated from the outside world. You see, table culture is more than customs! At all times it also meant maintaining tradition, lifestyle and, last but not least, enjoyment.

When women were admitted to the table from the 11th century onwards, in the castle and in the town hall, people usually dined with the immediate family and limited themselves to a few courses. The rare but elaborate and, above all, public banquets were used to create and consolidate hierarchies. The Florence of Caterina de Medici and the court of the Duchy of Urbino determined European table culture and cuisine and refined German table manners.

Starting image: Kitchen-Aid cookbook by Su and Bui Vössing