Nadia has been working in production at KPM for three years. On the occasion of International Women's Day, we visited her in the factory and talked about the challenges of everyday life, work rituals and podcast recommendations. And over three generations of women, all united by one thing: enthusiasm for KPM

Nadia, how did you come to KPM?

I'm actually a trained beautician. My mother gave me the idea to apply; she had been working in the KPM foundry for years and had seen the job advertisement for working in production. And then I just applied.

That's right, cosmetics is also a kind of fine motor craft.

Exactly, there are some parallels, except that an enduring artistic product is created here. You can then learn techniques like garnishing handles, you just have to know how.

Would you rather work on a speaking customer or a silent cup?

Oh, both have their advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes the direct customer feedback is missing, but then again it's nice to be able to really immerse yourself in the work, to be in the flow and to be by myself. And in between, I can also exchange ideas with my colleagues.

Many people also listen to podcasts or music...

Exactly, I like to do that too. I love true crime podcasts, my favorite thing to listen to right now is “Mordlust”.

What does a normal working day look like for you?

I usually get up between 6:30 and 6:30. Then I prepare school lunches for my daughter and my son gets canteen money. We then have a quick breakfast - for me it's just coffee -, I take her to school and then I'm at the factory between 8 and 9 a.m.

That's a little later than the rest of the production operation starts, right?

Yes, since I am a single parent, I have the opportunity to work reduced hours. When I'm at my place, I first sort myself out and count what's coming up today. I'm at the handle station, which means I mostly attach molded handles to the cup body and clean the resulting seam.

What tools do you work with every day?

Use a sponge and brush, a knife and a blade to give the edge a nice round knurl.

Nadia in the factory

As you mentioned, you are also a mother. What are the challenges you face in everyday life?

Sometimes it would be nice if, as a manufacturer, you could also work from home and make the cup at home. But unfortunately that just doesn't work.

Is there anything you are particularly proud of?

To be honest, it's just a matter of getting it all together, with kids and work and soccer training and so on. You're proud, but it's also exhausting. That's why I'm actually proud almost at the end of every week that another week that we've accomplished together is over.

What advice would you give to young women, like your daughter, who want to take up this career?

At the end of the day, women have to know what they want to do, so I would leave it to her. My daughter was here recently when the Coca-Cola trucks were in our yard. She made a small candlelight in the hands-on workshop , which she really enjoyed. But she thought it was nicest when we visited my workplace. Then she said that she would work here too.

Did you feel the same way when you used to visit your mother here?

To be honest, yes (laughs). I was here as a child too. It was an open day for me and I designed a turtle. I probably said exactly the same thing.

And that's how it happened. Thank you for the conversation and happy International Women’s Day to you!