In 1790, the KPM Berlin revived the version of Peter von Biron, the Duke of Courland, into an elegant table service. Today, 230 years later, the iconic design is brought back to life. The internationally celebrated illustrator and KPM friend Stefan Marx enters into the KPM+ dialogue with the former elector. The result: A KPM to-go cup, decorated with the likeness of Peter von Biron - inspired by the original historical painting - and the appropriate congratulations. Stefan Marx reveals more about the idea and motif development in an interesting interview...

How did you come up with the motif for the KPM to-go cup and what is the idea behind the motif?

I find the Kurland story just as exciting as the entire KPM story. I asked myself who commissioned the development of a new porcelain service 230 years ago. When I saw the portrait painting by Peter von Biron, I thought it was a great idea to draw a Sundaayyyssss Peter von Biron portrait variant and the matching Kurland elements for this year's KURLAND anniversary.

Was the motif decided first and then the product on which it should be implemented or did you develop the motif specifically for the KPM to-go cup?

I developed the motif specifically for the KPM to-go cup. So everything had to be exactly right: the number of typical Kurland pendants and the stringing of pearls. The cup is also a homage to the well-known New York to-go cup “The Greek Anthora”.

Why does Peter von Biron have a dog's face?

This time Peter von Biron took on the form of the Sundaayyy Dog. This can also be found on other hand-painted pieces by me and KPM Berlin.

How can one basically imagine the process of developing a motive for you?

It's a trial and error, a dialogue with the porcelain and an attempt to finally transfer my idea of ​​the drawing in the perfect size to the porcelain surface. To do this, I make a lot of drawings on paper, which I then transfer to the porcelain in a unique way.

All of your motifs for KPM Berlin are black and white – is there a reason for that?

I mainly work in black and white, because a black line in the drawing can express a lot - sometimes there is no need for color at all.

We were already able to look over your shoulder while you were drawing and are amazed at how confidently you draw on porcelain with a pen. Did you find it easy from the start?

The beginning was difficult and I learn something new every day in the master painting department at KPM Berlin. But my dear colleagues in TOM 1 (the painting studio where Stefan works - the painting offices at KPM Berlin are called “Team-Oriented Painting”) are very patient with me. I'm thrilled with how I can now draw my line on the porcelain. I make a lot of mistakes, but fortunately they can be easily corrected.

How is drawing on porcelain different from drawing on paper or other surfaces?

The biggest difference is the color and the tool, plus the fact that most porcelain pieces don't have a flat surface, but are usually curved or curved in some way. Another difference is that the surface is sealed and the paint is not absorbed but lies on the glaze. This is very special.

What is the appeal of painting on porcelain for you?

The greatest appeal is probably the individuality of each painted part, because each part is truly unique.

Which piece of KPM Berlin would you like to paint in the future?

I would like to paint a KPM figure in the future.

The to-go cup belongs to the KPM KURLAND collection. Which collection is your favorite for your daily cup of coffee?

I now drink my daily coffee from the KPM to-go cup!

The Stefan Marx To-go cup was exclusively limited to the KURLAND anniversary year 2020 and is therefore no longer available .